Payment Processing That Gives Back.

Switch to FundrPro and we’ll give 25% of our residuals to the nonprofit of your choice.

How Much Could Your Charity receive?

Try our giving calculator to see how your company can impact

*Estimated Total Annual Donation is based on standard risk processing rates. Actual donations will vary based on individual discount rates and annual processing volume. Contact Fundr for a custom assessment.

How can Fundr save my company money and still donate to my charity?

We are built to give.

Fundr was created to raise money for charities – not investors.  
How much does it cost my company to donate?

Nada. Nothing. Zip.

The donations come out of our pockets.

The better your company does, the more we give.

our services

Customized Payment Solutions

We set up your business with payment solutions that fit your needs.

High-quality partnerships allow us to meet or beat your current rates. 

Our experts walk you through the application process. Typical approvals in 1-3 business days after receiving your paperwork – even in high risk industries.

World-class tech services will assist your IT team with behind the scenes switchover.

Your customers won’t notice a difference – but your charitable organization will 🙂

Community Impact

The better your company does, the more your charity receives.

Merchant Accounts

Customized accounts that fit your business needs.

Dedicated Support

World class IT support to make switchover seamless.

Seamless Transitions

The latest technology so you never miss a sale.

True Story

The Exercise Equipment Company

A fast-growing ecommerce company doing $125M in annual online credit card transactions wanted to do something charitable but had been growing so fast, they never got around to it. 

They switched to the Fundr model. 

The team saved them over $300,000 a year in processing fees.

their Non-Profit receives $90,000 annually - at no cost to them.